Monday, September 9, 2013

Say Yes To Life: Suicide Prevention

The World Prevention Day is today on 10th September.   So today there is a special opportunity to focus on this issue to our members and interested people.  According to WHO, out of three suicides reported every 15 minutes in India, one is committed by a youth.  In the past 45 years suicide rates have gone up by 60% and it means around one million deaths worldwide per year.   Thus, considering this the group help4life to prevent suicide came into existence.  If, we could catch a warning sign for suicide in time it may be lessen the rate of committed suicide. So, here are some warning signs:

Warning Signs of Suicide:
1.      Suicidal threats in the form of direct and indirect statements i.e. “nobody love me”, “there is no worth of my life”, “no one need me”, “I am useless to my family” etc.

2.      Suicide notes and plan for suicide. Searching methods for suicide.

3.      Making arrangements for suicide e.g. collecting things (tag, poison, riverside etc.), writing a will, making funeral arrangements, giving away prized possessions.

4.      Prior suicidal behaviour

5.      Preoccupation with death

6.      Changes in behaviour, appearance, thought and feelings.

1.      Remain calm and cool

2.      Listen to them actively and carefully

3.      Do not criticize

4.      Ask directly if he /she is thinking about suicide.

5.      Keep an eye on his/her conversation on mobile and messages.

6.      Focus on their well being

7.      Reassure them that there is solution of their problems

8.      Offer help

9.      Assure that she/he is important for you and his/her family

10.  Do not leave him/her alone

11.  Keep a close eye on his/her behaviour

12.  Remove means for self harm

13.  Inform the family/parents/teachers and do not keep it as secret

14.  Seek professional help immediately of Clinical Psychologist, Psychiatrist and or Psychotherapist.
